Friday, November 28, 2008

Red Clover

One of the first introductions that I had to herbs was with Red Clover. These little plants have been around all my life. It is so surprising to find out just how powerful these soft red flowers are.

I first read about Red Clover while reading BACK TO EDEN by Jethro Kloss. He talked about being sent by his parents to gather the blossoms for their "postmaster, who had a serious cancer. He (The postmaster) lived to be a rather old man, without an operation." I think that is when I decided that herbs could do some very important things. Did you know that Kloss grew up in Manitowoc, Wisconsin? Herbs are so wonderful!

Kloss suggests that it is excellent for cancer on any part of the body. He even has a formula that is: 1 ounce Red Clover blossoms, 1 ounce Burdock seed, 2 ounces Wild Oregon Grape root, and 1/2 ounce Bloodroot root. He suggests mixing them in one pint of hot water and one pint of hot apple cider. Cover and let stand for a couple of hours, and then use 4 ounces, four times a day. With throat cancer, he suggests gargling with this formula four or five times a day and swallowing some of the tea.

I remember my mentor, Hanna Kroeger mentioning that four ounces of anything goes right into the blood stream. She said that more didn't.

Wherever the cancer is located on the body, that part should be bathed five to six times a day with this formula.

That wasn't the only reference that I found connecting cancer to Red Clover. The "Flower tea is drunk daily for breast cancer, and the whole plant is included in experimental treatments for diverse cancers," according to Lesley Bremness in the EYEWITNESS HANDBOOK – HERBS.

Research shows that there are compounds in Red Clover that inhibit some laboratory tumors. Scientists are trying to catch up with herbalist and prove things that are already so.

Kloss even suggested that Red Clover is splendid for handling Syphilis.

Red Clover is one of the great blood cleansers of the herbal kingdom. As a blood cleanser it doesn't screen the blood but cleans the cells that are loaded with toxins and gives them nourishment.

There has been some research that Red Clover is helpful for Thrombosis as an anti-coagulant.

Red Clover is good for Whooping Cough and Bronchial problems along with Arthritis and skin complaints.

When we think of a clear, hot tea doing all the things that have been mentioned here, it is hard to imagine, but herbal teas have been doing this for hundreds of years with amazing results. Why do we think that only "hard on the body" heavy radiation or chemicals will eliminate cancers?

Red Clover is so identifiable. The three oval leaflets have a chevron of light green on them. The red flower petals on the composite heads can be pulled off one at a time or in a group. The base of the petals are sweet. The bees know just what they are doing when they head for Red Clover.

Did you know that white Clover has been made into feed for animals and that the flowers were once made into bread? Herbs are food.

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