Friday, December 19, 2008


Every spring I start out my spring house cleaning with me. I put a tablespoonful of Sassafras root into a kettle along with water and simmer it for a while. As this reddish-brown root simmers, the volatile oils permeate my house. When it has simmer for a while (So what is a while, maybe half an hour to a whole hour.) I allow it to cool enough for me to sip on it. Dr. Christopher mentioned that while it is hot it will act as a diaphoretic. Sometimes that is needed in a spring house cleaning to get all the skin pores cleaned out.

Everything I have read about this herb talks about using it to mask disagreeable and bitter tastes of other herbs by combining it with them. I have to tell you that of itself, it is not a wonderful tasting herb. It has the smell and taste of varnish. I do a lot of woodworking and I know what varnish smells like, have never tasted it but if it has a taste that is what it would taste like. (Although coffee smells great but doesn't have that great taste.)

Sassafras does more than just taste strangely. It goes to work to help the body in many ways. According to Dr. John R. Christopher founder of the School of Natural Healing, It is "an antidote for poisoning by acid or alkaline corrosives." He also mentioned that it kills protozoa, a single celled parasite that we can pick up from just about anywhere. Gardeners pick them up a lot.

Sassafras contains tannic acids, gums, albumen, starch, lignin, resin, wax, heavy and light volatile oils, camphorous matter and salts.

Dr. Christopher mentions all the things that it is capable of handling, such as: Skin diseases, rheumatism, scrofula, impure blood, syphilis, poison-ivy, poison- oak, tobacco poisoning, colds, amenorrhea, ophthalmia (Inflamed eyes), spasms, pain in the heart region, colic, flatulence, problems of the kidneys, bladder, chest & throat, and as a tonic after childbirth.

Dr. C. says that "it is a blood purifier. The safrole is a trace mineral extremely important and will clean the heart, arteries, veins and cut cholesterol while giving elasticity to the veins. It is to be used ONLY IN ITS WHOLESOME STATE of Sassafras Bark Tea. The safrole should never be used alone but as a whole plant. It is very good in a tea for edema as it steps up the circulation and makes the heart sound."

According to Jethro Kloss author of BACK TO EDEN, the oil of Sassafras is excellent for toothaches and is a great external wash for varicose ulcers. He also recommended it as a tonic for stomach and bowels.

Looks like I could be using this many times a year instead of just in the spring.

Let's jump back to the word WHOLESOME. A lot of chemicals are found in "health food stores" but they are not the whole herb, they are just one of the chemicals that someone thought was most active. When we pull things apart, we start to get side effects. When we use the whole herb, all of the constituents that comprise this plant work together to help us heal without side effects.

Everyone that talked about this herb had warnings about it. Dr. C. says, "Do not use over 6 weeks at a time, change to another like it, maybe Morman Tea or Red Clover Tea." Kloss on the other hand, mentions that it should be taken for no more than a week and he recommends it being taken as a tincture in water.

Now we get to have a look at the other side of this. There was a Lilly Distinguished Professor of Pharmacognosis at Purdue University. I have Dr. Varro E. Tyler's book HERBS OF CHOICE and I always check to see what he has to say coming from the Pharmaceutical perspective. Sometimes I believe that he is against all herbs but let's see what he had to say about Sassafras. "Sassafras root contains 5 to 9 % safrole shown to be a carcinogenic in rats and mice." He mentions that in 1976 the FDA prohibited its sale. He said that it is "Not safe" and compared it to Comfrey, Coltsfoot, Borage and Mistletoe. (I will be writing about some of these later. One of my favorites is Comfrey.) He mentioned that "Sarsaparilla and Sassafras are ineffective and dangerous."

You don't think that they tested only one of the chemicals on rats, namely Safrole and found that alone it is dangerous? Again I want to stress only using WHOLE plants and herbs to give the body what it needs to repair itself.

I checked Nova Scotia Museum's Poison Plant Database and could not find Sassafras listed.

I decided to check Dr. James A. Duke's Database on this and found 33 different components in the roots of Sassafras. He had many more in the leaves and stems of this plant but because I use only the roots, that is what I am writing about. With all the good stuff that these 33 things do such as being; antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, (I even found antistreptococcic), antisalmonella, antiviral, cancerpreventive, candidicide, cardioprotective and as a vasodilator; I would say that these are some heavy stuff. I did find four things that would make this an herb "a not to take while pregnant."

We have heard from all the "good guys" and as you can see, even they don't recommend anyone staying on Sassafras for a long period of time. I try to put both sides in my writings and think it is time to simmer some Sassafras tea for me to sip on today.

Before I finish this writing, I remembered that I had heard of Sassafras as being a blood thinner but haven't been able to confirm this as of yet. The most that I can find out is that in the spring, this plant puts out chemicals that thin the blood but in the fall its chemicals tend to thicken the blood. When buying Sassafras at a health food store, are you getting spring root or fall root?

Always use your good judgment. If you have a health care provider that suggests something, do the research and find out all you can about whatever they have suggested. We have become a society that wants someone else to be responsible for us and our health. We need to take back that power and help ourselves. I write these articles to give you more information so that you can make good decisions for your health and the health of your families.

Sunday, December 14, 2008


After the seed catalogues have been in our hands for months and we still haven't decided what to put in that little corner of the garden that needs a spot of bright color, let me suggest a marigold called Calendula.

Calendula stands out from the hybrid marigolds in that the flowers have a sunflower look. Other marigolds have many petals all over the composite head of the flower but Calendula has petals only on the fringe or outside of the flower head.

Here is an herb that can cheer us with its pretty orange flowers and do some healing at the same time. Add to that the fact that it can be used in salads and soups, as a pot-herb or just a lovely garnish. We are talking about the multi-pedaled orange-flowered marigolds that were also "used to color cheese" according to Mrs. Grieves, author of A MODERN HERBAL. The yellow color is extracted from the flowers by simmering them.

The flowers and leaves are used for culinary purposes in rice and fish dishes as a garnish. More than that, the flowers were put into broths. Grieves said, "No broths are well made without dried Marigold," and this was without exception in time of plague or pestilence.

Herbalists always refer to this marigold by it botanical name Calendula. These lovelies open to the sun around 9 in the morning and close up again in the afternoon. They can grow up to 28 inches tall with paddle-shaped leaves. The thing that I personally like about them is their hardiness. It seems that they thrive with so little care.

Culpeper mentioned, "The leaves, when chewed, at first communicate a viscid sweetness followed by a strong penetrating taste of a saline nature." It seems the juice containing this pungent matter helps the liver clean toxins out of the body. Plants are so helpful that way. Culpeper mentioned that by adding vinegar to the leaves, one could give instant relief to "Hot swelling when bathed with it."

Lesley Bremness, author of the EYEWITNESS HANDBOOK – HERBS, mentions that "research into the ray florets show depilatory effects, potentially useful in face creams." The oils extracted from the macerated flower are very expensive but great for skin problems. One book that I read mentioned that the petals yield a soothing eyewash. This might be because of it antiseptic and antifungal properties?

So far we have only mentioned it being great for the outside of the body but it is great for things like inflamed lymph glands and to stimulate the liver. I have read where one can use it to soothe stomach pains.

I checked Dr. James A. Duke's Database on Calendula and found that so many of the properties in this plant, but mainly in its flowers are: Antitumor or anticancer. He uses words like Cancer Preventive and Cardioprotective and Antiviral and Candidicide along with Fungicide. There are so many properties in this little sunny flower that one could use it to stay healthy.

David Christopher, Director of The School Of Natural Healing, has mentioned that if you are using Echinacea to activate the immune system for some problem, you should only take it for 7 days and then switch to something else like Calendula for the next week.

Many books told about all the things that Calendula could do, so I decided to find out what my herbal computer program has to say about this. The Globalherb program listed the following things that Calendula is good for: Fevers, Bruises, Toothache, Amenorrhea, Cancer, Flu, Mouthwash, Sprains, Bleeding, Burns, Corns, Cuts, Earache, Hemorrhage, Hemorrhoids, Jaundice, Lungs, Measles, Menses, Piles, Pyorrhea, Scrofula, Skin, Stomachache, Syphilis, Tuberculosis, Ulcerations and Warts. All of this from a package of seeds, a first aid kit in itself.

So how do we collect these lovely flowers? One of the nice things is that you are not stripping the whole plant when you harvest just the flowers. When they put new flowers out, we collect them in the morning just after the dew has dried. Then we dry then quickly in an area where they are not touching each other. I like to lay them on a lined cookie sheet and turn the oven on warm. I put a wooden spoon in the door so the moisture can escape. Another way is to put them in a food drier. I store them in a colored glass jar until I am ready to use them.

Maybe it is time to order your seeds and enjoy the "Sunshine" of the Marigold?

Friday, December 12, 2008


Apple is a medicinal plant that grows just about everywhere. There are many varieties but they all contain the same medicinal properties.

When I was looking for some land to grow herbs, I told the gentleman that was helping me that I needed land that hadn't been chemically sprayed or fertilized for at least five years. We got into a discussion about medicinal herbs and the fact that it takes five years for the residue of chemicals to dissipate. Then when I use the plants to make medicine, I have no chemicals added to my formulas.

As we talked he asked if I could help him. He was unable to sleep at night in a bed. When he would lie down, his stomach acid would come up into his throat. For years he had slept in a reclining chair and still had the problem.

I suggested one tablespoon of organic apple cider vinegar in 6 to 8 ounces of water, to be sipped on one hour before he went to bed. When mentioning apple cider vinegar, I don't mean the processed kind. We want the kind that isn't clear and has some "mother" in it. According to Jethro Kloss, author of BACK TO EDEN, "The ordinary apple cider vinegar is not fit to be used." But if you have the clear white processed kind, use it to clean windows and flower vases as it will dissolve the minerals on glass very well. The Organic Apple Cider Vinegar with some of the apple settled on the bottom of the jar will dissolve the minerals that are in the body that are being parked in the joints creating arthritis. It will clean up bone spurs but will not take the calcium out of teeth or bone as some people might think.

According to Dr. Christopher, most of us have gotten into the habit of not chewing our foods when we eat. He suggests that we "Drink our food and chew our liquids." This means chewing or mixing the saliva with our drinks as well as our food. This is the first step in digestion. It is also the first step in health as saliva will decrease the in-take of germs.

Germs have a very narrow range of pH. Saliva is alkaline and will kill the germs not happy in that environment. The stomach has an acid environment so the germs not liking that pH will be killed. By mixing the saliva, you have gotten rid of probable half of germs that you are taking in. Germs have a job and they are everywhere. We need to learn to live with them or in this case, around them.

What usually happens is that we make the stomach do all the work and by the time we are 40 or 50 years old, our stomach has the "acid making valves" set ON all the time. What do you think happens when we take an antacid? Right, it temporarily helps but then the stomach needs to get back to its natural state, which is acid, so it increases the amount of acid.

By sipping apple cider vinegar diluted in water, the stomach, getting a mild acid, recognizes this, it stops producing more. (Yes, our bodies are that smart!)

A couple of days after suggesting the remedy to this man, I got a call from him thanking me for the best sleep he had in years.

This is just some of the things Apples can do.

Hanna Kroeger, National Herbalist, talked about using Apple Peel Tea to pull toxins out of the body. I cut my organic apples peelings about 1/2 inch or more thick, dried these so when I wanted to use this tea, I boiled these peelings and served the tea that they make. (Children who want to taste my herbs are allowed to chew on these dried peelings. They tell me that my herbs are great.)

My Uncle Clarence told me how to keep the worms out of organic apples. Make a mixture of 50% vinegar and 50% honey. Put a little of this mixture in a wide-mouth jar and tape it to an almost horizontal branch of the apple tree just as the flower buds start coming out. Leave these jars on until the last petal falls off. You will have to clean the bugs out of the mixture several times, but they will not be laying eggs in the flowers, hence your new apples.

Kloss called Apples the "King of Fruits." He suggested that people who have too much acid, eat sweet apples and those with not enough acid should eat sour-green apples.

Even the very old and the very young do well on scraped apples. Kroeger suggested that "Whatever ails you; gallbladder trouble, liver trouble, diarrhea, tooth decay, constipation, loss of appetite, (even) good as poultices, too; when someone is very ill, take an apple and scrape the meat with a silver spoon. You will see them get better."

Kroeger was "big " on silver. She said that silver kills germs. When you toss a silver coin in the well, the whole village stays healthy as it is killing the bacteria in the well. (They are on their own for the happiness part.) I do not recommend Colloidal Silver for anyone. When you take silver into the body in large amounts, it is the same as taking a medical antibiotic. It kills off the good flora in the small intestines. Eating off a silver spoon will put silver into the body and the food that carries it but will not destroy the flora. She mentioned that when she was nursing in Germany, they had a box of silver spoons that all the babies and the very old were fed with.

According to Kroeger, silver also repels negative forces. I suggest that people wear this on their person.

Apple pectin is found to clean the bowels and has been put into many herbal formulas.

Dr. Christopher's Super Garlic Immune Formula is a formula that I have used with success to handle major problems. It contains: Garlic, Lobelia, Marshmallow Root, White Oak Bark, Black Walnut, Mullein, Aloe Vera, Gravel Rt., Skullcap, Plantain, Apple Cider Vinegar, and Raw Honey.

My daughter called and told me that she had been ill for a week and was not getting better. I took my herbs to her house, when I got there I decided to give her the Super Garlic Immune Formula. I gave her a tablespoonful every hour for three hours. Her fever broke and she slept, waking up feeling fine. This formula did the trick.

Herbs can be taken every hour when working on a problem. We are talking about food. Herbs feed the body what it needs to rebuild or get healthy. This is so contrary to what we have been taught about medicine. With chemical medicine, one can overdose with it but can one have too much pumpkin pie? I guess one could but it isn't dangerous just uncomfortable.

For more information on Garlic and how it works, go to my article about it.

Apple bark is very rich in Oxygen, Potassium, Sodium, Magnesium and Iron.

Kloss mentioned that apple tree bark is an old fashioned remedy for fever and as a tonic. When taken hot it causes perspiration. This helps with the liver, spleen, kidneys, boils, insect bites, toothaches, and digestion.

You have probably heard about "Food combinations" to increase our energy. This is when you combine some foods with one group of foods but not with another group. Example: Bread goes well with fruit but not as well with meats. (What do we eat for lunch but meat sandwiches and wonder why we have no energy in the afternoon?) According to Kroeger, apples go with anything you wish to combine with them. For more information on food groups, see Hanna Kroeger's book THE BASIC CAUSES OF MODERN DISEASE AND HOW TO REMEDY THEM.

"An Apple a day keeps the doctor away" – has new meaning after looking at all it can do. Enjoy Apples in any form.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Blue Cohosh

This lovely lady, and when you meet her you will feel the same as I do, is found in my Wisconsin woods. She has a fragile feeling about her. Her tulip-like leaves flutter eighteen to twenty-four inches off the floor of the forest. She prefers to be around mature trees where the leafy canopy is high over head, allowing small plants to thrive without much competition.

Her early flowers are in clusters and are hard to notice as they are greenish-yellow in color and blend in with the new foliage. By the time you notice Blue Cohosh, the "woodland spring flowers" have been in blossom awhile.

Blue Cohosh gets her name from the blue-green of her leaves and the bright blue berries that are found in the fall. Her common names are Squaw root, Papoose root, Blue Ginseng, and Yellow Ginseng, all of which you will understand as you read. Her leaves have three lobes ending almost the same length with the middle one sometimes having a two-toothed lobe. This gives the appearance of a blue-green tulip. I guess if I had been the one to name her, she would have been called the blue tulip plant.

The fruit of the flowers have "one or two seeds about the size of a large pea, which ripens in August," according to Mrs. Grieve in her A MODERN HERBAL, "these are sometimes roasted and boiled in water and given as a decoction resembling coffee." I usually harvest these blue berries and replant them in woody areas.

The roots are "hard thick, irregular, knotty contorted caudex (the base of the stem), one to several inches long, with slender radicles (roots) up to 8 inches long, externally yellowy brown, internally whitish to yellow, with a central pith running longitudinally" all according to Mrs. Grieves.

As a medicinal herb, Blue Cohosh qualifies. It is said to have estrogenic properties. Historically it was prescribed by physicians for cramps and chronic uterine diseases.

A study in India suggests that the roots may possess some contraceptive properties.

Blue Cohosh has been used to relieve childbirth pains when given at the proper time, which means that it should only be taken in the last month of pregnancy.

Although I have called this plant a she and so far have discussed her uses for women, she is very helpful for men as well.

Blue Cohosh has been used successfully for rheumatism, epilepsy, leukorhea, neuralgia, dropsy, hysteria, palpitations of the heart, high blood pressure and diabetes. I have read that it is also good for hiccoughs and whooping cough. A tea can be used for children with colic.

Jethro Kloss, author of BACK TO EDEN wrote, "Blue Cohosh contains the following vital minerals; potassium, magnesium, calcium, iron, silicon, and phosphorus. These minerals help to alkalize the blood and urine. This herb can be quite irritating to mucus surfaces and therefore should be used with some caution. It should not be used during pregnancy and should be taken only one week at a time, one to three capsules daily."

When I went to Dr. James A. Duke's database, I found a lot of things that this plant has the ability to work on. Here are just a few of the many: Antibacteric, Anticancer, Antidiabetic, AntiHIV, Antiinflammatory, Antioxidant, Antispasmodic, Candidicide, Cardioprotective, Pesticide, Vasoconstrictor and Vasodilator. These last two are a reminder that even when a plant works in one direction, it also has the ability to work in another direction. It is the plant working with the body that does the healing. The body knows what of this plant is needed and the plant supplies it.

It has been my experience that most people using this herb combine it with other herbs in making formulas. When we put together a formulation, we are looking for that formula to do a certain thing. We combine the herbs that will help us in this manner.

One of the formulas contains Blue Cohosh is Dr. John R. Christopher's B & B Tincture. This formulation is used as a nerve and hearing loss/ earache formula. Due to the formulation, it is great internally and externally. In this formula Dr. Christopher combines Blue Cohosh with four other nervine herbs. Dr. Christopher says that this formula can be "Used to aid in nervous conditions, sore throat, hiccups and restore malfunctioning motor nerves." The combination is designed to go to the nerves that are in trouble and help with the rebuilding. When my thumb muscles didn't work without hurting after my arm was taken out of a cast, I dropped B&B tincture on the skin and allowed it to be absorbed. When the nerves had been relaxed, I manually worked those muscles and in a short time, I was able to use the thumb without assistance and discomfort.

According to Dr. Christopher in his Natural Healing Newsletter, Volume 5, no. 9, "Dr. King of the Eclectic School of Medicine employed Blue Cohosh for its benefits on the mucous membranes. Later Dr. Scudder believed Blue Cohosh effected its good through the hypogastric plexus, thus affecting the circulation, nutrition, and reproduction."

Herbs are designed to cleanse the help the body rebuild. They supply the building blocks and allow the body to heal.

Sunday, December 7, 2008


Catnip or Catmint, as it is called, has been used worldwide for thousands of years as a medicinal herb. It was an emigrant from Europe where it was used as a beverage. In Old England it was the beverage of choice until the trade routes made green tea and black tea more prevalent. David Christopher, director of the School of Natural Healing, tells about a Mrs. Bardwell who writes in her book THE HERB GARDEN, "Catnip tea was more wholesome to the British Empire than the Black tea with all the sugar that they needed to make it palatable. Catnip has a mildly sweet flavor all by itself."

On page 260 of his book, THE SCHOOL OF NATURAL HEALING, Dr. John Christopher lists the therapeutic actions of Catnip as: "aromatic, relaxant, diffusive, stimulant, diaphoretic, emmenagogue, antispasmodic, nervine, sedative, carminative, anodyne, refrigerant, antacid." From all of that you can imagine that this little plant can handle a lot of problems. How do plants do this? They do this because they don't contain one compound like a drug would to handle just one thing; they are composed of a balance of nutriments. No, the active ingredient might not be in the amount that the pharmacist would prefer, but in its own subtle way it gets the job done. It might not do what it is supposed to do in 10 minutes but it will work without the side effects of inorganic chemicals.

This plant is so mild that it has been used by mothers of children for a very long time. By making a tea of Catnip and giving it to a baby even though it is only days or weeks old, it will relieve Colic. It can be given with a teaspoon to do its work. Mom and Dad can go back to sleep and so will baby. Dr. Christopher, found that by adding a little fennel, this tea worked even better for adults at dispelling gas.

Another use for Catnip tea is to rub some on the gums of babies when they are teething.

As much as it has a relaxing effect on people, it seems to have the opposite effect on cats. It is almost like a "fix" for cats but research has shown that only 2/3 of all cats are affected. This includes all of the cat family from house cats to tigers and lions. I dried some catnip in a plant press and found the press torn apart and the catnip broken into pieces by my cats. I guess mine are in that 2/3 percent.

According to David, the American Medical Association in JAMA 1969 (Their major publication) claimed that Catnip produced Marijuana-like effects. The wire service picked up this story and according to David, pet stores had a run on cat toys. Contrary to this claim, Catnip is not hallucinogenic.

Catnip was registered from 1842 to 1882 in the US Pharmacopia, thus registering it as a medicinal herb, as it should be. According the Daniel Mowrey in THE SCIENTIFIC VALIDATION OF HERBAL MEDICINE, it has been found to have antibiotic properties.

This is why it is so useful for Colds and Flu, but according to the Globalherb V2.0 computer program it can even be used to prevent Chicken Pox. This was a little strong for me but their reference for this came from Steven Horne's NATURE'S FIELD book published in 1991. David Christopher has suggested mixing it with Saffron to handle Smallpox and Scarlet Fever. Looks like Catnip is more powerful than we give it credit.

Another thing that Catnip tea is good for is to cut phlegm in the bronchial system. Native Americans smoked Catnip for asthma and bronchial problems. In Europe they would mix it with honey to create a cough medicine.

Catnip can be used to expel worms from the intestine by making an enema of the tea. Dr. John Christopher called this an injection.

Herbalist do not puncture the skin with needles. Once you break the hematic seal, your body is exposed to substances that are not in its best interest. (It is the job of the skin to seal the blood from foreign matter.) The premise is that the vaccines will get the immune system to "kick" in and try to get rid of the invaders. The bad part is that foreign proteins along with other things are introduced beyond the skin barrier and into the blood system. (For interesting reading on what is in vaccines read Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz's book called EMERGING VIRUSES, AIDs & EBOLA- NATURE, ACCIDENT OR INTENTIONAL?)

The foreign substances that are introduced into the blood system are not all killed. Some are parked or find their way to a specific organ and we have the beginnings of autoimmune diseases.

One of the cautions that I ran into regarding Catnip was that is shouldn't be taken during pregnancy as it promotes menses. According to David Christopher that is what all the books say but his wife, Fawn said that because it is a relaxant, when she was pregnant and started spotting, she made a cup of Catnip Tea and sat back to relax. The anti-spasmodic effects "Will calm the uterus and stop cramping during menstruation," according to the Christophers.

Along with all that we have mentioned about this little wild mint, (and it grows everywhere) it will also aid digestion. Many years ago a friend of mine from England told me that the way the British stay slim is to follow a meal with a nice mint tea. I guess that is because Catnip relaxes the body along with assisting with the meal. I have an idea that Catnip is now on the dinner mint list.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008


The pepper family is a wonderful herbal family that takes in all the members from Sweet Green Peppers to hot Cayenne Peppers. Some of the hot peppers have the ability to burn the skin but for the most part, what you purchase in the store will not be that hot and will give the body a lot of benefits. Dr. John R. Christopher once mentioned that a person could stand all day on a clove of garlic in bare feet and nothing would happen but if they stood on a hot Cayenne, they would find the skin affected.

Let's start with its ability to balance out blood pressure. In our family we use Cayenne Caps like other families use aspirin, to handle headaches. A lot of headaches are due to increased blood pressure and Cayenne will not allow the pressure to be more in one place (the head) than in another place (the legs.) Headaches come from a lot of different things so we will just talk about blood pressure at this time.

Dr. Christopher mentioned that this ability would be helpful for someone that had been injured and was bleeding. By giving that person a Cayenne Capsule or infusion, the blood pressure would balance and there would be more time to get the person to medical help with less bleeding. He also mentioned that if one were having a heart attack, by using Cayenne and balancing the pressure out, the damage would be minimalized before getting medical assistance. My family has a history of heart problems so I carry Cayenne Caps with me all the time.

I want to tell a story about the headache remedy that we use at our house. My husband called from work, it seemed that his secretary had a headache. All he had was Cayenne in his desk drawer. He wanted to know if he could give her one, she has ulcers. I mentioned that he could and that the Cayenne might kill the Heicobacter pylori (H. Pylori) bacteria that causes ulcers, in any case it might cauterize the wound. I did tell him to remind her that it would create some discomfort in her stomach most people don't want help that hurts.

Side story is that the H. Pylori doesn't like an alkaline environment but does like acid. The mouth with its saliva is an alkaline environment and would have killed this bacteria had it spent more time there than in the acid of the stomach. This person is not taking time to eat properly and chewing foods into small particles, thus allowing this acid-loving bacteria through. Bacteria have a very narrow comfort zone and if we can kill the acid-loving ones in the mouth and the alkaline-loving ones in the stomach, we will find that our bodies don't have to work hard at all to keep us healthy.

While attending classes in Utah, one of the things that students were asked to participate in was the Cayenne test. Powdered Cayenne was put into the palm of our hand, then we were told to cover one nostril with the other hand and snort the powder. This gets the Cayenne powder to the sinuses and starts the healing. Most of us have more mucus than is needed in the sinuses area. Cayenne cuts this and starts the healing process to these tissues. Yes, it is best to do this with a box of tissue because one's nose and eyes will run for a very long time and you will feel the mucus draining down the throat.

After doing this for a while, Cayenne is something that believe it or not, one gets used to and there are side benefits from this. The optic nerve is very close to the sinus area. I found that I didn't need my glasses after I cleaned the toxins from the sinus area.

In his book ALKALIZE OF DIE, Dr. Baroody Says, "Cayenne Pepper – A miracle food! Cayenne heals the body. Black pepper, an acid-former, irritates the stomach, while cayenne is especially good for stomach ulcers. It can be eaten in pods, as a powdered condiment, or taken as a nutritional supplement to stimulate the entire endocrine system. Take 1 to 2 capsules, 3 times a day. " On the Alkaline scale, it rates as a 7.0; this is very, very alkaline. Perhaps this is why it is good for a heart patient because when one goes to the hospital, they give an alkaline solution to the heart patients for the same reason that we suggested.

Cayenne is loaded with vitamins and minerals. I found over 200 different chemicals in this one herb. With all of them working simultaneously, is it any wonder that this herb is so powerful.

Cayenne has been used for Stomach problems, Gas, Gastrointestinal tract aches and Cramps. It has been used as a gargle for sore throats and as a counterirritant for rheumatic arthritic pain.

Because this herb has some powerful effects on the system, I feel it is ideal to talk about how to take herbs. A lot of people tell me that they can't "take" herbs and when I ask them why, they tell me that the herb "backs up" on them and they taste it all day. This is because no one has taught them how to take an herb. We are so used to popping a pill with a sip of water and expecting it to go to work for us. Herbs don't work that way. Let's say we just took a capsule of any herb with a sip of water. This capsule goes to our stomach and sits on top of the acid that is naturally there. The water that we sipped this with has filtered through the system. This capsule finally opens, leaving all of its contents just sitting there on top of the stomach acid. Little at a time this will assimilate into the acid but to properly take an herb, one needs to make a tea out of it.

To do this with a capsule is to take the herbal capsule with the sip of water, wait for a short time and then drink the rest of the glass of water. Now the herb will be made into a usable tea and will readily enter then rest of the body to go to work for us.

The major problem with herbal health is that we have never been taught about it in any of our education. We aren't even told about its benefits as foods, let alone the healing benefits.
This blog is to educate.

I cannot teach anyone anything.
I can only make them think.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008


Hyssop is a small shrub like plant that is from the mint family. It tends to grow about 1 to 2 feet high with square stems like its cousins. The three varieties with Purple/blue, red or white flowers in whorls give the plant family away. The plants flower from June to October and make a very nice border plant. Hyssop has been naturalized in the United States having been brought here from Southern Europe. The hot spicy smell makes this a most agreeable plant. Its taste is somewhat bitter. These plants require cutting occasionally, but do not need much more attention according to Mrs. Grieve in her A MODERN HERBAL books.

Hyssop is spoken of in the Bible (Psalms 51:7) in connection with cleansing and purifying the body. "Purge me with Hyssop, and I shall be clean". Mrs. Grieve suggested that the Hebrew plant called "Ezeb" has been translated "Hyssop" and this is said to have grown out of the walls. According to her it is quite possible that the name is applied to several plants of similar properties.

The Greeks called it Hyssopos as a name of a Holy herb, because it was used to clean sacred placed. It seems that evil spirits hated it. I have used this plant to clear/clean negative energies out of my home. I even gave cuttings away to people that need to clean negative energies from their living and working spaces. I have found it will settle an unhappy person into someone who can be dealt with.

Hyssop was brought into a room where a blind person had become very cranky and was crying all the time. She was not aware that the Hyssop was there but it seemed to calm her down and she became herself again.

Hyssop is a most widely used purification herb in magic. It is added to baths in sachets, infused or sprinkled on objects or persons to cleanse them, and hung up in homes to purge them of evil and negativity, according to the Cunningham's Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs.

The tops and leaves are used in teas and tinctures and are valuable for asthma, colds, grippe and all chest afflictions and shortness of breath. It is also an excellent blood regulator as it increases the circulation of the blood and reduces blood pressure. It is a great tonic for mucus tissue of both the respiratory and the gastrointestinal tracts in all weakened conditions. "Serviceable in connection with hygienic herbs, scrofula, gravel, various stomach complaints, jaundice, dropsy, spleen malfunctions. (it) Has been used in herbal preparations for epilepsy." It has been used as a gargle with sage for sore throats." All according to Alma Hutchens in her book, INDIAN HERBALOGY OF NORTH AMERICA.

Hutchens also sights Plants Used Against Cancer, A Survey by Hartwell, for its mention as being used against sclerosis of the liver and tumors.

Medicinally it has been used as an expectorant, diaphoretic, stimulant and carminative. The healing virtues of the plant are due to the volatile oils. It has been used as a warm infusion mixed with horehound, Hyssop tea is a grateful drink for toning feeble stomachs, being brewed with the green tops. The leaves can be used externally for relief of muscular rheumatism and for bruises and discolored contusions. Bruised green herb will heal cuts promptly. Hyssop has been used in baths as part of the cure for rheumatism.

The flower-tops have also been used as a kitchen herb in salads and broths. If I remember right, Grieves mentioned that any household with an illness should include stews and soups with Hyssop tops for the health of the family. Herbs are food, enjoy.